Waterland Investment Services B.V. (Waterland) is an independent financial advisor and asset manager. Waterland was founded in 1998 and is owned by its partners. Over the years, we have created a stable team with financial professionals and experienced asset managers. We focus on high-net-worth individuals, families, foundations, endowments and associations. Our clients are based in The Netherlands as well as abroad.

As an independent financial specialist and trusted advisor, Waterland has supported clients with the coordination and management of their assets for more than twenty years. During these years, Waterland has answered questions such as how do I achieve peace of mind and remain financially independent while I preserve my wealth in real terms? When and how do I transfer wealth to the next generation? How do I get an accurate overview of my total wealth?

Waterland is not only an asset manager and investment specialist, but also ensures smooth cooperation between various advisors such as tax specialists, notaries, banks, accountants and other asset managers. By doing so, our clients will stay in control of their wealth without having to deal with it on a daily basis. Due to our expertise, independence, experience and the number of clients that we have been working with for many years, Waterland is still able to deliver tailor-made solutions whereby our primary concern is that the objectives of our clients are met. All the partners at Waterland are directly involved in client matters and investment decisions. As a result, clients benefit from highly experienced sparring partners who are also directly responsible for their investment policy.

As an organized partnership, we serve the interest of our clients with our explicit focus on the long-term. Moreover, Waterland is less affected by external factors that characterize the specific (short-term) nature of the financial industry.

Waterland is licensed by the Dutch Authority for Financial Markets (AFM), is supervised by De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) and is a member of the Dutch Securities Institute (DSI).